Researchers obtain qualitative data through first-hand observation, interviews, questionnaires, and other non-numerical sources of information. Jason Tee explores how clinicians can utilize the qualitative data and the athlete’s voice to improve rehabilitation outcomes.
The aim of this review was to synthesize the current understanding relating to the risks of lower body functional asymmetry with injury in athletic populations. An iterative data mining and sampling approach was used to construct a search phrase from …
Female athletes suffer more sports injuries than their male counterparts. In this article I explore the reasons behind these high injury rates and demonstrate some surprising facts that turn the female frailty narrative on its head. The problem is not all Q-angles and strength differences...
Sleep patterns differ across age groups within a rugby playing population. Self reported sleep diaries are a reliable method of collecting sleep data, but are subject to bias that needs to be corrected for.
Despite increased physical, psychological and social pressures professional talent development environments don't necessarily lead to negative impacts on participants.