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Growth and maturation in sports – are late developers really at a disadvantage?

This article discusses the longterm prospects for early developers who dominate sports at a young age

How much work can athletes do before injury becomes inevitable?

I was asked this question recently by one of the South African Super Rugby franchises, who were concerned about how to manage their players into the end stages of the season. Below are my thoughts on the theoretical threshold for injury

Aspire How’s and Why’s of Training Load Monitoring

Take home messages from Aspire Academy conference 2016 - Managing Training Loads – The How’s and Why’s

Interval training sessions derived from maximal aerobic speed

Its February, and all around the country, that means that teams are putting in the hard yards in preparation for the winter sports season that is rapidly approaching. The theme of this post therefore, is hopefully to provide some assistance in getting your team fit in the most efficient way possible.

Data driven decisions you can rely on

This article examines the impact of variability in athletic performance tests and how to quantify and interpret this