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How to be successful a year from now – applying the agile periodization concept

Periodization is one of the most debated topics in sport science literature. In theory, getting an athlete’s periodization right is the difference between performing well, or bombing out at major competitions. Despite this perceived importance, there are as many periodization schemes in circulation as there are former soviet-bloc sport science gurus, and no clear consensus has been reached by the strength and conditioning community as to what method is superior.

A “how to” guide for injury prevention at a team level

This article describes a simple process that practitioners working in team sports can use to analyse and address injury outcomes

Coaching female athletes (Part 3) – S&C training considerations

In this blog, I discuss some of the practicalities of training prescription for female athletes.

Coaching female athletes Part 2 – Put the athlete first!

This post is a reflection on how I have modified my practice both in response to the research I’ve done and as a result of lessons I’ve learnt through coaching a group of female athletes

Coaching female athletes – What’s really different?

I have recently taken on two different roles that require me to coach, and support the development of female athletes. I’m a little embarrassed by the fact that I’m now in my seventeenth year as a coach, and this is the first time that I’ve had any level of extended exposure to coaching females. Despite being relatively experienced, I’ve found myself questioning a number of my usual approaches. I’m constantly wondering whether I am in fact doing the best I can for these athletes.

S&C coach or sports scientist: Who does what in youth development pathways?

A little while ago, I was asked to assist a school that was looking to employ a sports scientist by writing a job description for them. I provided a short list of the the roles and responsibilities that I think a sport scientist should be fulfilling when working in the schools space.

To screen or not to screen, what a question…?

Should we be spending valuable time and effort screening our athletes? What value do these tests have?

Determining athlete maturity to inform coaching practice

This article discusses how to estimate levels og maturation in youth athletes

Coach planning and decision making

It is exceptionally difficult to be a good coach. The difficulty level is generally underrated by those on the outside looking in. Everyone has an opinion on what they think coaches should do, or how they would do it themselves, but few to the time to understand the constraints and challenges that a coach must work within to understand how challenging the task is.

How strong is strong enough?

Strength is an important quality for sports, but it is subject to diminishing returns - as you get stronger, it requires progressively more work to continue improving. This article discusses at which point athletes would benefit more from focusing on other fitness qualities.